2018 marks the centenary of a landmark date in women’s struggle for emancipation. In February 1918, the Representation of the People Act was passed, which allowed some women over the age of 30 a vote for the first time. Although this was a great leap forward, it by no means enfranchised all women, and around 60% of women in the United Kingdom were still not allowed to vote after the Act was passed, either because they were under 30, or because they did not meet the property qualifications.
Everything is a work in progress, and as long as we are heading in the right direction, there is a lot to be optimistic about. In 1928, the Equal Franchise Act was passed, which gave women the same voting rights as men, and in 1969 the Representation of the People Act reduced the voting age from 21 to 18. The debates that the 100 year anniversary sparked, and the heated discussions about whether or not imprisoned suffragettes should now receive a posthumous pardon illustrates that the subject is still a live and contentious issue. Women have come so far in the last 100 years, but the #metoo #timesup and #enoughisenough campaigns demonstrate that there is still work to do, and the struggle is far from over.
Legacy WM will be hosting an event to hear, support and celebrate women’s varied experiences at Soho House on Wednesday 7th March 2018, the day before International Women’s Day, and we want to encourage you to come along to listen, speak and share issues that are important to you at this important Handsworth event. There will be opportunities to share your story in a woman only environment, and also a chance to hear fierce women performing spoken word and music as the day progresses. There will also be food to share, before a discussion takes place as we examine ways forward and next steps. We appreciate that men have an important role to play, and although the morning will be a woman only event, men wishing to hear and discuss ways they can support women are welcome to join us for the discussion part of the event.
To find out more, give us a ring on 0121 348 8159 or check out the Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/events/1950618415268762/. We would like to thank our many community partners who have supported us with the organisation of this event.