Migrant Music Festival was a spectacular showcase of migrant talent and the first of its kind in the city. Held at Soho House Museum on 24th September 2016, the festival provided a local platform for existing and emerging talent from the migrant communities that had settled in and around the Handsworth and Lozells area of Birmingham. Funded by the Arts Council, the project enabled us to offer local people the opportunity to receive free coaching from the Apache Indian Music Academy and then perform alongside more established performers including: Apache Indian, Basil Gabiddon and Band, Azhar Hussain Qawali Group, Didier and the Redeemed and many more. With a diverse platform of musicians playing different genres of music, the festival helped to promote community cohesion and propel Legacy WM’s reputation across the city. The free family festival attracted over 465 people from different backgrounds and ages and proved to be a resounding success.