Legacy WM

Legacy WM Celebrates Winning The King's Voluntary Award

Submitted by Sandhya on
King's Voluntary Award


We are excited to share the incredible news that Legacy West Midlands has been honoured with the esteemed King's Voluntary Award. This recognition highlights our dedication to making a positive impact on our community through volunteer efforts.

Chair Jesse Receives Award from the Black Owned Birmingham Awards 2023

Submitted by Sandhya on

We are delighted to announce that our chair Jesse Gerald won the Excellence in Media of the Year Award at the Black Owned Birmingham Awards 2023. A huge thank you to everyone who voted to make this possible.

Congratulations from the team!

Housing Associations & Cohousing Reports

Submitted by Sandhya on


Exciting news! Legacy WM has been featured in Cohousing UK's Report, with our Director of Operations Dawn Carr as the main lead. Dawn provides insight into our background and future plans for our cohousing project with Housing 21.